Bailey looks a lot bigger than Brynn in the above picture. She does have a chubbier face, but the last time I got them weighed they were both 8 lbs 10 oz.
And here's a quick update on what we've been up to:
Scott went back to school about a week ago. We both decided that it would be best for him to only go part time this semester. I am going to need a lot of help these first few months but unfortunately that means that he's not going to graduate until next December. I feel like we've been in school forever, but hey, what's another 8 months? I know that he's exhausted and I feel bad for him, but I know that we'll get through this next year.
I am doing pretty well.....just exhausted all the time. My incision is healing nicely but unfortunately I have about 15 pounds to lose until I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It took me about 6 months to lose all of my weight with Hannah so I expect that to happen with this one.
Let me just say that I love this little girl, but Hannah has probably been the hardest part of this whole process. She loves her little sisters (and loves to clobber and kiss them) but I believe she is also jealous of them. She always wants me to hold her when I'm holding the babies. She wants us to swaddle her and bounce her like we do the babies and she even asked me if she could breastfeed. Um, no thanks. She's also gotten strep throat in the past couple of weeks and then last week she broke out with horrible hives for 3 or 4 days. She scratched and scratched them until she would start to bleed. We think she might be allergic to the antibiotic that she took for the strep throat. Those two sicknesses brought a lot of whining, crankiness, and disobedience. When she's not cranky and disobedient, she's actually a delight to be around (very kind and polite). I don't blame her for going through this rough stage. In fact, I feel really bad for her and have cried many times over the past 6 weeks because I want her to be happy. She's gone through a lot with us moving to a new house and having two new sisters that need our attention. I just hope that this phase passes soon.
So that's what we've been up to lately. Oh, and here's a picture of all three of my girls doing tummy time;-).
Wow, life with twins and a toddler must be a ride! I admire you so much! You have 3 beautiful girls!
I love the matching outfits. That would be so much fun. I have fun dressing just one girl.
It sounds like you're doing great with Hannah. I hear most older siblings need some time to adjust. I really like the tummy time picture. That is too cute.
So have you seen any real smiles yet?
Awww....they look so cute in their matching outfits. Poor Hannah got a double whammy with siblings...makes it even harder for you. I wish I could take her for a week (want to fly her down?? :-) Ella and Hailey would love to have her here.
I think you guys are smart to have Scott take a smaller will be over in no time and then you will hardly remember the college days.
They are such cute little girls! All three of them! And we love having Hannah over to play a few times a week. I'm not sure who loves it more- Tyler or Jill- or me?! You and Scott are such amazing parents to be able to handle so many changes at once. Just remember sacrifice brings blessings! And sleep is SUCH a huge sacrifice!
I love all their adorable outfits! They are just so precious! It's amazing how different they look too. All your girls are absolutely beautiful! You're going to have to watch out for the boys when they get older. I'm sorry that Hannah is having a hard time. It will probably pass soon. A lot of changes, mixed with sicknesses and being a two, almost 3 year old makes for not a happy camper. Give them all a kiss from their Aunt Kerrie.
ok, I have only been home for a few hours and seeing these photos makes me miss all three of those precious girls so very much. Its just not fair that Grandmas live so far away from their grandchildren.I wish we all lived near each other. Hope the girls get on the same sleeping schedule during the day soon! Love yas Mom
ok, I have only been home for a few hours and seeing these photos makes me miss all three of those precious girls so very much. Its just not fair that Grandmas live so far away from their grandchildren.I wish we all lived near each other. Hope the girls get on the same sleeping schedule during the day soon! Love yas Mom
I love all of these pics! I love when twins match!!! It's too cute! Miss you---wish I could give you all hugs!
PS sorry I've been lame at commenting. I've been a lame blogger in general lately.
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