Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby Boot Camp Begins

Yet another post about the progress of my babies. No pictures this time, but you can enjoy the cute picture I took of the girls at the top of the blog. I'm sorry if this is boring to those reading it but I guess you don't have to read if it is. I really like writing these updates because it's fun to read back. I read back all the time on what was going on with Hannah after she was born, so I'm sure one day I'll read back on these updates as well. This week we started "Baby Boot Camp" with the girls. I have a book that is supposed to help your child sleep 12 hours through the night by 12 weeks old. You're aloud to start the process once your babies are 8 weeks old, which happened to be this week for us. I'm not doing the whole program because it's just too much scheduling, but I am doing part of it. The past 4 days have pretty much been heaven because I've been doing these things. What are they, you ask? Letting the babies cry. Yup.

On Sunday night I was bouncing Bailey from 8pm to 12am to get her to sleep. I was tired and my arms hurt and I was sick of bouncing her. Every time she'd fall asleep, I'd put her down and she'd wake up again. Scott did the same with Brynn that night, but he finally got her down around 11:30pm. It was that night that I decided that we were going to let the babies cry like the book says to do. So Monday we made the babies stay awake as long as we could in the afternoon and put them down in their cribs around 7:30pm. We let them cry themselves to sleep (although every 3 minutes we go in the room to pat their tummies and whisper that we're here to them). They both slept a good 6-7 hours after falling asleep and then 2-3 hour increments after that. They've both done that every night since then, and now they usually both fall asleep after only a minute or two of crying. It's AWESOME! I only have to get up twice with them at night versus the sometimes 3, 4, or 5 times that I was getting up. I am SO lucky because they are such good babies. The only times they really cry is when they are hungry, tired, or in their car seats. Occasionally they'll cry because of gas, but not very often.

Oh, and Bailey's rolled over 3 times already. I'm pretty sure they were accidents, but that's way earlier than Hannah did it so I was really surprised.

Anywho, so that's my update for the week.


RachelBarker said...

Way to go! Whenever that day comes for me, I'll ask you about that book. So remember it in about 15 yrs. :) Super mom, U R!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is "WOW!!!" I am so impressed and that is what I was going to ask you when I called. That is amazing and I am soo happy that you are all sleeping better. Wahoo! The picture on top is adorable. Oh, I miss my grandbabies :( Love ya Mom

Kerrie said...

How awesome! I hope it continues. What good babies you have. I'll have to take a look at that book when I have another child. I LOVE that top picture. They seriously are all so beautiful and yet look so different from each other. How fun!

Wendi said...

Wow, I'm so glad you guys can finally get some sleep! That is so awesome. I love that they are getting some "chub" on them. Super cute. And I'm luvin the new pic on top!

Jen said...

Great job getting them to sleep! That's amazing that it worked so fast. I can't believe Bailey rolled over already. I love the picture on the top!