Thursday, May 14, 2009

What We've Been Up To...

Here's a little update of what we've been up to over the last couple of weeks. Scott started his spring semester at school and is incredibly busy. Luckily the semester is only 7 weeks long (he only has 4-5 left to go) because he doesn't get home until 7pm every night, which also happens to be Hannah's bedtime so he doesn't get to see her much. After he gets home, he usually takes about an hour break and then is off to do homework for the rest of the evening. Poor guy doesn't really get any breaks until he graduates next April....and then we are taking our little family on a NICE vacation. We deserve one!!

Hannah has been her two year old self these past couple of weeks and that's all I have to say about that (It's been a rough week with her....I wonder if she senses that things will be changing soon).

I have been crazy busy trying to clean and organize this apartment. I'm almost done doing everything. I'll update more about this probably next week, though.

I also had my 28 week appointment today. I didn't really learn anything new and exciting about when these babies are coming, but I am having another ultrasound in 2 weeks which should let us know a little bit more about the size of these babies. The doctor did tell me that if I started to go into labor (cervix dilating, more contractions) that they would take the babies as early as 35 weeks, which I believe would be the first week in July. I doubt they will come that early though, although I feel like I'm almost ready for them to come now. I've had a lot of people ask me when I'm due lately, and then I tell them in July and they give me the big eyes. Then I tell them that I'm having twins to make their big eyes go away and they usually end up telling me that I look like I'm due next week with a singleton.

A lot of people also ask me how I'm feeling, which is really nice. Just so you all know, I'm actually feeling great. Sleeping is starting to get rough, but it's no big deal. I'm just getting really excited for them to come!


Donna said...

Hurray for blogging! Those twinners are certainly growing. I am so glad you are feeling great. That is amazing. I hope it lasts at least another month or more! That is an adorable picture of Hannah on the side bar. She is so gorgeous. Glad that all went well with the Dr. appt. Show us the babies' room when it is done. Love to you all Mom

leslie jo said...

I think you look soo cute REALLY!!! Fun stuff glad Scot is working hard stay sane!

Jen said...

Maran- you are all baby(ies)! I'm glad that you have been feeling good. That is awesome that Scott only has one year left. It will fly by, and then you will hardly remember the day's of college and basement apts.

kerrie said...

You look so CUTE! Honestly, you are all babies! My good friend looked like she was due two months before her due date and she only had one baby. People were shocked when she would say two more months. least you have a good excuse for being so big. Allie also went through a phase right before Luke was born and I wondered if she sensed all the big changes. She got better but then worse a few months after Luke was born. Three years old was my "terrible twos." Hopefully it won't be the same for you. Anyway, good luck with the organizing.

Wendi said...

Holy cow girl! Looks like you've got a basketball stuffed under there! You are seriously beautiful and look so happy! I promise I'll call you back tomorrow or monday- I know I'm awful. Let's make plans for Tuesday though (we go to AZ on wednesday).

Esther Noelle said...

Maran wow you look awesome!!! But looking at your big belly makes me want to come help you in some way - if there's anything I can do to help out before or after your babies come please let me know! We could come take Hannah to the park or something, I'm sure she and Robby would have fun together!!!

Marc and Stacy said...

Maran- you look so darn cute...yes, you definitely have two babies in there, but seriously, it's like someone super-imposed a belly onto your perfect little frame, arms, legs, face, everything. I literally don't see a change at all anywhere else in your body but your belly. Honestly. You look so great and I wish I could be there to tell you that everyday (I know Scott does it though-you have a good hubby)...and I wish I could be there to help you!
I miss ya and love ya!